Polishing and thoughts on first prototype

It has been a while since my last update, so I thought I should post a little update.

In the end of the last devlog I mentioned a few bugs. All of them are fixed. There are no big bugs anymore.

Still... I didn't feel like publishing a first prototype yet. I get the feeling that the current version might scare people away. I wanted to add more stuff:

  • you can now change the background color of a room with RGB sliders
  • I fixed some collision detection for the enemy and didn't find any new bugs yet
  • there are 3 layers for tiles, so when using your tileset, you can now make them overlap resulting in more flexibility

A few things are started but not yet completed:

  • More flexible enemy attacks
    • Currently it is very limiting, you can add an attack when the enemy is on the ground. But in reality, you might want to add multiple different attacks. For instance, your enemy might have a close attack swinging a spear but also a far reaching attack doing a stab. So the idea is, you just give the enemy a list of all attacks and for each attack when it should trigger (target area to check) and a cooldown.
  • Setting background music
    • This will be relatively simple: Just put your music into the bgm folder and select it in the editor. This will definitely change, because music should be set for each chunk individually... but for now, I just need a working basic version.
  • More layers for the tiles
    • I honestly don't know if this is so important yet, but I'd like to create the possibility for parallax effects. This will be more complicated though, as it should be displayed accordingly in the editor. A possibility would be to double the amount of tiles for a farther background and scroll it half the speed (so if a chunk is 16 blocks wide, the parallax background would be 32 and scroll half the speed)
  • Graphical effects
    • Currently there are a bunch of effects "built in" and you cannot mod them. It makes sense to get them out into modding part


  • I want more versatile enemies. There should be at least a few types, so playing the game becomes more fun.
    • Currently everything just feels more like a proof of concept. But I want to make a game. So I am currently rethinking my enemy logic.
    • My current idea is: I have enemy types, like "zombie" having a zombie behavior, "bat" having a bat behavior etc. and parts of their logic can be changed the way they need to
    • There is a zombie-type implemented. It can patrol in a certain width, it can turn when facing a wall or jump over if needed, you can set how long it takes to turn around and everything. A follow behavior also exists and I started "guard" as behavior. A guard will attack a player on sight but always try to return to their original location - as if they were trying to guard something.
    • I want a bat-type which will make the enemy wait at a position, when the player is in sight they will fly towards them (like bats in classic castlevania games)
    • I want a bird-type which will make the enemy wait at a position until the player is in sight. Then it will start flying around the player and attack sporadically, depending on the cooldown (like the birds in super castlevania IV or harpies in later entries)
  • Sound effects. It is just too quiet.

And there is so much more to do. I haven't even touched menus or multiplayer aspect yet. This is huge, I hope I will find some support in the future. Even if it is just someone testing the project or create assets.

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